
On a side note different from my "about me", I just want to say thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you find something helpful. Or if you just enjoy reading about how my life has been lately, that's fine too.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hi Everyone!

Hello. Let's see, where should I start. I'm Katie. I'm a young mommy to 2 handsome boys. I'm 22 and my boyfriend is 24. We've been together for a little over 4 years. My oldest Nathan is 2 years old and my youngest Andrew just turned 1.

I'm trying to live a bit of a more greener lifestyle. Unfortunetly, it hasn't been working out in my favor. When Nathan was about 17months and Andrews was 5 months, I started using cloth diapers. My decision for that was the simple fact that we are a 1 income family and simple could not afford to buy diapers as often as needed with two. Elliot slowly came around to using them. So it was all good. I even bought a sewing machine and started making my own. Then certain things happened and we had to move back in with Elliot's parents. That wouldn't be a big problem except that his mom is rather opinionated about alot. She openly told me that she thinking cloth diapers cause more rashes and they aren't effective. Ugh. So I guess as long as she's the one usually buying diapers. It's more work to argue about cloth vs disposables.

Andrew recently turned 1. Like 3 days ago. So I was told that once he turned 1, he didn't need to be on formula anymore. I told Elliot's mom this. I said I'd figure out something to do with the extra formula. I come home from work the other day and she says "I've decided to just use the rest of the formula. I'm going to do half and half with milk". WTF. I told her he didn't need it. Formula is made to be like breastmilk. Whole milk is not. I told her again that he doesn't need it, but she didn't really listen. I don't ever know what to say. I want to tell her they're my kids and I know what they need and what's best for them. But at the same time I think about how she's helped us out and how much she has done for us. I guess, I'm just looking forward to the day we move out.

Which brings me to my next little topic. Once we finally have our own place (wether it be a house or apartment type home) I'm going to planting a garden with lots of veggies and other fun things. I will be using cloth diapers again. Just alot of green living.

So, more about me. As I said, I'm 22. I work full-time at a local grocery store in the bakery department. It is very hard to resist not eating something. Lol. My shift is 5am to usually 1pm. As much as I dont like waking up so early, I do like being done early because I can always plan things in the afternoon. I dont have to ask for a day off to make appointments. It works pretty well.
I think that's all for now. I'll post something new (and more interesting) soon.

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