
On a side note different from my "about me", I just want to say thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you find something helpful. Or if you just enjoy reading about how my life has been lately, that's fine too.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Early morning.

Well, it's 5:35am. I'm usually not up this early unless I have to work. If I'm working, I'm up around 4:30 and at work by 5. But lastnight I had the worst headache I've probably ever had. I couldn't even get out of my bed! And on top of that, I felt even worse because I missed my son carving his pumpkin. He ended up doing it with his auntie (not a problem), but all I could do was lay in bed and cry. I was so far beyond miserable.
But I think Andrew still has his pumpkin to carve. And we have mine. So maybe we'll do those today. I am feeling better. I slept probably from 8pm lastnight until 4:30 this morning. I called into work (shame on me). But I think I just need a day to rest and catch up. And there were going to be 3 of us at work. Thursdays are a good day for 2 people.
OHH! We have our car back. Finally. We went and picked it up last friday. We honestly got to the place like 5 minutes before they closed. I have to pay the loan back, but since it was a state assisted loan, there's no interest! It'll take me about 18 months to pay it off. I'm just so happy to finally have my car back. But now we're having problems with our health insurance. Ugh! I swear it's one thing after another. If I can't get this figured out and taken care of, our insurance is ending on Nov 1st.

Well, I think that's about it for now. My good stuff and bad stuff in life right now. I was just bored, and can never seem to think of anything to search for on the internet so early. Lol.

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